Quest:Stolen Skulls

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Quest: Stolen Skulls

Description: Aurochs skulls apparently have some significant meaning to the Earth-kin of the Suuri-lehmä, and many have been stolen from them.

Category: Angmar

Quest Level: 42

Hdg bestower.gif

'Many years ago, we brought with us from the South some skulls of lehmä -- what you little people call aurochs. Very important skulls. The skulls honour Suuri-lehmä.

'Jorthkyn take the skulls on path through Ram Dúath to see new sights in this place. This must be done every year. This year, our brethren did not return. Scouts say that Orcs killed Jorthkyn and took the skulls. Orcs are in a strong place in the east side of Ram Dúath.

'Bring back the skulls from the Orcs. Maybe they are in their strong place? Or in the camp of the horrible bat-women who kill? Three skulls were stolen.'

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Fixed Items

Unknown icon.png Aurochs Horn Talisman