Quest:Second Death

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Quest: Second Death

Description: The Ranger Braigiar has given you a tincture of nightshade which he hopes will purify the evil from the monuments in Imlad Balchorth.

Category: Angmar

Quest Level: 48

Hdg bestower.gif

'The nightshade-tincture is ready. It should give the wights at those monuments a second death, driving forth the fell spirits, if my mastery of lore is true. I will ask you to return to those evil places and sprinkle the tincture in the area.

'Please visit the monuments in order -- first north, then west, then south. I believe the southernmost of the three is the chief, and it may be there that you will see the most resistance to the tincture's virtue.'

Hdg rewards.gif

Fixed Items

Unknown icon.png Braigiar's Spear