Quest:Reconnecting Ties

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Quest: Reconnecting Ties

Description: Maida Woodwright had an argument with her son Covell, and she has not seen him since. The Blackwold activity in the area has made her nervous, and she is seeking news of him.

Category: Bree-land

Quest Level: 9

Hdg bestower.gif

'Pardon me, do you think I could take up some o' your time? I haven't had any word o' me son Covell since this brigand nonsense began, and I'm afeared something might have happened to him!

'We lived in Archet till recently, but we had an argument -- I'm sure ye know how boys are -- and Covell left all in a huff. He said he would make his own way, down in Combe, and that's the last I heard o' him. Now that I've come to Combe, I hear he's gone east!

'If ye don't mind, could ye talk to Constable Wren for me? She watches the road east out o' Combe, and maybe she's seen Covell pass.'

Hdg rewards.gif

Selectable Items

Unknown icon.png Lesser Celebrant Salve

Unknown icon.png Lesser Essence of Athelas