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Quest: Raid: Reclaiming Eregion's Gift
Description: Gonediad of Rivendell is worried that Thorog will not long stay behind the walls of Helegrod.
'If the rumour of Thorog's return is true, I fear that the old terrors will seize the people of Eriador. The dragon will not long stay behind the walls of Helegrod.
'And yet this forgotten terror may bring with it hope unlooked-for: Mírdanant, the axe of Durin, is said to remain still buried within the dragon's neck. If Thorog is defeated, the axe might yet be recovered. The fortunes of the dwarves may change for the better once Mírdanant is retrieved, and the words out of Eregion, as well as the friendship of the Gwaith-i-Mírdain with Durin's Folk, might still be proven true.
'I dare not hope that you and your allies could stand triumphant over the might of Thorog that was, for that hope is fleeting. And yet, if you are able to retrieve Mírdanant from the body of ancient Thorog, I know of one unhappy and untrusting dwarf, at least, who might be comforted by its return.'
Dragon-tooth Shard
Gem-encrusted Scale
Dragon-bone Splinter
Reclaimer of Mírdanant