Quest:Order from the Darkness

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Quest: Order from the Darkness

Description: After hearing how you fared against the goblins at Goblin-town, Glóin grew more concerned.

Category: Misty Mountains

Quest Level: 48

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'You did well against those goblins, but something you mentioned has me concerned. I fear that the sheer number of goblins milling about at the entrance to that place is greater than I expected. It can only mean that they are stirred up to some task or afraid of something deeper in those accursed halls. It merits further investigation.

'Make your way back there, (your name), and look for the goblin-leader before the main hall. Something is amiss within those halls, and we must discover the truth, sooner rather than later.

'If you find anything out of the ordinary, return to me so we can put an end to it quickly!'

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Fixed Items

Unknown icon.png Pure Essence of Athelas

Selectable Items

Unknown icon.png Pure Milkthistle Draught

Unknown icon.png Pure Healing Draught