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Description: Cal Sprigley is concerned about a particularly dangerous and aggressive boar living near a watering hole just east of his farm.
'While we seem to have made it through the worst with the Blackwolds, there is still one threat that my farmhands and I can't seem to silence.
'There is a great, vicious boar that lives somewhere to the east of my farm. His den is built in an old, rotting tree stump. Folks call him Old Bloodtusk, but I call him a nuisance! Always rooting for food near my hedge. He once broke through the hedge and gored a farmhand in my field.
'With all that is going on, it may seem a bit foolish, but that boar isn't right and is better dead than alive.'
Fine Longsword
Fine Two-Handed Sword
Fine Dagger
Stick Shortbow
Fine Wooden Staff