Quest:Master of the Black Tide

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Quest: Master of the Black Tide

Description: The Rangers of Esteldín believe that the Orc-horde that swept down from Ram Dúath is led by two Uruks, one of which has been sighted amidst the army gathered in Dol Dínen.

Category: North Downs

Quest Level: 37

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'$PLAYER$, the opportunity to cripple the Orcs in Dol Dínen has finally presented itself. We are certain that there are two generals, Uruks of Angmar, who lead the Orc-horde which came down out of Ram Dúath, but until now they have been hidden from us. One of the Uruks has been seen in Dol Dínen!

'We still cannot risk exposing Esteldín to the Orcs, so we must rely on yourself and others to weaken them. Gather your allies and journey into the heart of the Orc-camp. Search for the general on the hill overlooking the fields and slay him. Bring me back a token of his armour as evidence that you have completed the task.

'Such a blow will certainly cripple the Orc-horde, at least until a replacement can be sent, giving us time to prepare a defence.'

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Selectable Items

Unknown icon.png Postolf

Unknown icon.png Balandram

Unknown icon.png Kaukîl's Doom