Quest:Intro: Skorgrím's Tomb

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Quest: Intro: Skorgrím's Tomb

Description: Dwalin read the letter that Elrohir recovered and learned of some distressing information. The Dourhands pledged to serve Angmar if their fallen leader, Skorgrím, was restored to life.

Category: Introduction

Scope: Epic

Quest Level: 5

Hdg bestower.gif

'I believe I know where the tomb of Skorgrím is located. A scout said he found the entrance to a dwarf-hall on the far side of the ruins of the Elf-refuge, but I took it to just be a new hall the Dourhands carved in our absence. This must be the tomb's entrance!

'We must travel to Skorgrím's tomb and put an end to this madness. Make your preparations. We'll leave soon!'

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Fixed Items

Unknown icon.png Map Home

