Quest:Herbal Essence

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Quest: Herbal Essence

Description: The Hillmen of Angmar make the most of their desolate land, gathering herbs from the rugged hills and withered vales. These herbs are used to purify water, treat wounds, and add savour to food.

Now that the other clans are hostile to them, the Hillmen of Aughaire are having great difficult in collecting the herbs they need to survive in their harsh realm.

Category: Angmar

Quest Level: 43

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'Hail, Southron! I wonder if you can help the folk of Aughaire as you roam these lands? There are some rare but necessary herbs we use to purify water, treat wounds, and to add savour to our food. With the other clans hostile to us, and dire threats coming daily from Carn Dûm, our men of war -- those few who remain -- cannot protect those who gather these herbs.

'I hope that you can help us, if you have an eye for growing things. We require the following herbs that you may find growing in the hills north of Aughaire: If you can gather red lovage plants, and a quantity of spiky mugwort and silverbell as well, I would be most obliged to you.

'Two of these plants grow near Fail-á-Khro, not far to the north-east, the third grows further away to the north around Donnvail.'

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Selectable Items

Unknown icon.png Refined Essence of Athelas

Unknown icon.png Refined Celebrant Salve