Quest:Frodo's Burden

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Quest: Frodo's Burden

Description: Gandalf the Grey is concerned for his hobbit-friend Frodo Baggins, who has agreed to undertake a dangerous task of great secrecy.

Category: Trollshaws

Quest Level: 40

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'I have need of an adventurer, (your name), and it may be that you will serve nicely. The hobbit Frodo Baggins is here at Rivendell for a time, and he will soon be leaving on an errand both urgent and secret.

'Hobbits are remarkable creatures, and Frodo is more remarkable than most -- he has stepped forwards to accept a charge that would daunt even those counted most brave in all the annals of the world.

'Ask me not about his task! And do not ask Frodo, either. He may wish to speak of it, but it is better that he not do so. I do ask you this: speak with him and gauge his feelings. Much depends on his courage and good hobbit-sense, but I am loathe to send him into danger if he is not prepared for what he may face. Speak with Frodo, tell him of your adventures, and return to me with your thoughts on his mood.'

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Fixed Items

Unknown icon.png Gandalf's Thanks