Quest:Fell Spirits

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Quest: Fell Spirits

Description: The very waters of Agamaur have risen up to protect Ivar and the Red-maid, animated by fell spirits of Morgoth from beyond the world. The worst are shades of ancient Númenor, cursed by the Valar themselves.

Category: Garth Agarwen

Quest Level: 31

Hdg bestower.gif

'Do thou fear us? Thou should not. We have dwelt too long in this Middle-earth, where we should not. We have too long been without the rest which is the right of our kindred. Yet here we remain, shackled by a debt unpaid, an oath unfulfilled. Will thou aid us?

'In Garth Agarwen, fell spirits stir the waters of Agamaur and take form. Many are spirits from beyond the world, such as those that stir the wights, but the worst of them are the cursed spirits of mortal Men, Men of Númenor who committed a great act of evil against the Valar before Númenor fell and were cursed by the Valar themselves.

'Would thou aid us by destroying the darkwater?'

Hdg rewards.gif

Fixed Items

Unknown icon.png Emelin's Leggings