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Quest: Fallen to the Wargs
Description: Nathan Hodges is worried that a hobbit who was visiting him might have been attacked by the Wargs during the retreat to Amon Raith.
'Do you think you could do me a favour, (your name)? I tried asking Amarion, but he told me he can't leave Amon Raith without endangering the rest of us. I suppose that's true, but it's still of little consolation.
'A friend of mine was visiting my farm when the Wargs attacked -- a sturdy, little fellow from a place called Tuckborough in the Shire. I thought he was right behind me, but by the time I met up with the Peakes, Ailward was gone!
'It's a morbid task, but could you sort through the bones of the Wargs' victims, up in northern Annúndir? There's a whole pack of the beasts at the burial mounds there. If you bring some of the bones back to me, maybe I will find some hobbit-sized ones...though I hope not!'
Hodges' Jacket