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Quest: Evil in Ost Elendil
Description: Legrindavor has been charged with eliminating the forces of Amarthiel that have seized Ost Elendil.
'I grieve to see Ost Elendil in the hands of the Enemy, (your name). The great palace of the kings should lie untainted by the forces of evil, not brought low by the machinations of Angmar and its regent!
'Fell spirits and their Angmarim masters now stalk the halls of Ost Elendil at Amarthiel's command. We must drive them forth.
'Defeat the spirits within the palace and take from their Angmarim masters the blood-stained runes with which they are commanded. That may lessen Angmar's grip on the palace, shining jewel-that-was. If I am not here when you return, I ask that you bring the runes to Captain-General Daerdan at Echad Garthadir, the Ranger-encampment here in the city. He will be able to destroy the foul things.'
Battered Arnorian Armour
Selectable Items
Flask of Conhuith
Ultimate Carrot Cake