Quest:Chapter 6: In the Gaunt-lord's Grasp
Quest: Chapter 6: In the Gaunt-lord's Grasp Description: Emelin told you about his failure to protect one of the River-maidens and the curse it brought down upon him and his men. He agreed to help you if you accomplish a task for him. Category: Epic - Book II: The Red Maid Scope: Epic Quest Level: 28
'This land was corrupted by the war which raged here. Blood, much blood, spilled into the springs of the Lady, until all became red, and the springs became a swamp. The Lady, whose name is not remembered, became the Red-maid, a creature lost and corrupt. Ivar the blood-hand came not long ago and awakened her again and claimed power over her. Now Ivar is a greater threat than ever he was.
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