Quest:Chapter 14: The Eye of Angmar

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Quest: Chapter 14: The Eye of Angmar

Description: Calenglad has made his choice: the plan to recover the palantír from Barad Tironn will be set into motion, despite Laerdan's foolish attempt to confront Amarthiel on his own.

Category: Epic - Book X: The City of the Kings

Scope: Epic

Quest Level: 50

Hdg bestower.gif

'Too long have I delayed, hoping to reclaim the city from the forces of Angmar, but I see now that victory in Annúminas will not be complete if Amarthiel learns the location of Narchuil. We will have traded victory here for defeat elsewhere -- this was the lesson of Laerdan, but I did not see it!

'Speak to me when your allies are ready, and we will launch a final assault upon Barad Tironn! If we are successful, you will have access to the inner chamber, where one of you must pick up the palantír and carry it back to the entrance, where I will be waiting -- if you have the finely-woven cloth bag given to you by Golodir, the palantír should not harm you. Protect the bearer of the palantír from the attacks of the enemy!

'Much depends upon this, (your name), for we will not have another chance. If you see Laerdan within the depths of Barad Tironn, do what you can, but do not endanger yourselves needlessly. The retrieval of the seeing-stone must come first -- it is what he would have wanted: the eye of Angmar blinded once more.'

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Selectable Items

Unknown icon.png Starna-baug

Unknown icon.png Tallos

Unknown icon.png Narúr

Unknown icon.png Pouch of Shire-dirt

Unknown icon.png Strange Ring