Quest:Cause for Joy
Quest: Cause for Joy Description: Nora Strawley has given you unexpected, but joyful, tidings: her husband survived her encounter with the Gauredain. Category: Trollshaws Quest Level: 45
'Don't be ridiculous! My husband is fine -- in fact, he's inside the house right now, resting from his ordeal! You see, when those wolf-men attacked the waggon, he wasted no time at all: he broke upon the crate of figurines and started throwing them at them. While they were distracted by the cunningly-crafted missiles, he crept by them down the path and escaped into the woods! He got turned around, or he would have stopped at Echad Candelleth to see the Elf Tongannel again, but he was already nearly to the bridge when he regained his bearings. He came home, bemoaning the loss of the figurines, and I put him right to bed to rest.
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