Quest:Book X, Chapter 1: The Champion of Angmar

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Quest: Book X, Chapter 1: The Champion of Angmar

Description: Amarthiel and her minions have seized Annúminas, the ancient city of the Dúnedain, and Calenglad now struggles to form a plan by which she may be opposed.

Category: Epic - Book X: The City of the Kings

Scope: Epic

Quest Level: 50

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'There can be no greater insult than this, (your name). For Angmar's foul regent to walk the stones that Elendil walked of old is an outrage for which there can be no forgiveness! Amarthiel's minions may hold Annúminas for now, but the Dúnedain will not rest until she and all her servants are swept from its courtyards and the very flagstones wiped clean of their taint.

'While you were away, a visitor came to Tinnudir. His name is Laerdan, and he is an Elf of great reputation; my friend Golodir spoke very highly of him in our youth, though I had not met him before now. He has been given the use of the mustering room in the keep here on Tinnudir and says he has information about Amarthiel that will be of use to us. He asked for you personally, (your name). Hear what he has to say, and I pray you will return to me with some secret lore of the Elves that may aid us in this battle!

'Turn right as you enter the keep, and you will find Laerdan's room atop the stairs.'

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