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Quest: A Plea from Lainedhel
Description: A force out of Angmar threatens to press south into Eriador. A lone Elf has organized a band of defenders to stand against the army out of the north and dispatched emissaries to the Free Peoples in search of heroes willing to make a stand against Angmar's army.
'I speak for the Free Peoples of Eriador, friend. The Ettenmoors, a land corrupt and lost to evil for many years, is the staging ground for an invasion from the north. Angmar's forces muster beneath the shadow of Mount Gram and plan to launch an assault into the south.
'Captain-General Lainedhel headed north against his Lord's wishes and called a host to stand with him. Now a small but able band of us stands against the onslaught, but we are outnumbered, and if not bolstered, we will succumb to the tide.
'If you are willing, I would ask you to make your way to Glân Vraig in the Ettenmoors. Many of the stable-master's have assisted us and trained horses to find their way to the Ettenmoors. When you arrive, speak with Sergeant-at-Arms Ascwyn.'
'I ask a request for the Free People of Eriador, friend. The Ettenmoors, a land corrupt and lost to evil for many years is the staging ground for an invasion from the north. Angmar's forces muster beneath the shadow of Mount Gram and plan to launch an assault into the south.
'Captain-General Lainedhel headed north against his Lord's wishes and called a host to stand with him. Now a small but able band of us stands against the onslaught, but we are outnumbered and if not bolstered we will succumb to the tide.
'If you are willing, I would ask you to make your way to the Ettenmoors. Many of the stable master's have assisted us and trained horses to find their way to the Ettenmoors. When you arrive, speak with Sergeant-at-Arms Ascwyn, she is acclimating all new recruits to the defense.'
Token of Valour