Quest:A Plague Upon Us

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Quest: A Plague Upon Us

Description: Despite a small supply of arms and armour, Stanric of the Eglain is attempting to organize at least a meagre defence against the wild and dangerous beasts and other enemies which stalk the ruins the Eglain call their homes.

Category: Lone-lands

Quest Level: 25

Hdg bestower.gif

'You likely know by now that there are Orcs in the south holding vigil on the ruins where once Men stood proud...and foolish. Now disease threatens to spread from Ost Cyrn. The Orcs have no concern for what they breed in their filth. Meat is left to rot and spoil and the innards of the fetid dead bloat and give birth to all manner of disease and corruption.

'We must seek to curb the plague before it spreads, and so I turn once again to you. There is only one way to destroy the plague-bearing filth left by the Orcs: fire.

'Take this tinder and flint and make your way to Ost Cyrn in the south, where the Orcs dwell. Set fire to the bloated corpses and barrels of filth therein.'