Quest:A Leader Unveiled

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Quest: A Leader Unveiled

Description: Two Uruk-generals passed through the Ram Dúath with the Orc-horde. The first made his way to the south-east and established the camp at Dol Dínen. The second passed to the west and disappeared into the ancient ruins of Fornost.

Category: Fornost

Quest Level: 39

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'It is unlikely that the second Uruk-general will show his face to us; nevertheless, we must attempt to lure him out and defeat him.

'Take the first general's armour into Fornost, and display it somewhere near the Great Fountain. That may be enough to goad the second general into revealing himself. The Great Fountain may not appear as such -- it has surely been desecrated by the Orcs -- so you may want to look for something that appears like an idol to Sauron.

'The battle will likely be difficult. I would advise you not to even dare entering Fornost without allies. Return to me after you have defeated the Uruk-general.'

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Selectable Items

Unknown icon.png Zanthrug's Foe

Unknown icon.png Zanthrug's Foil

Unknown icon.png Zanthrug's Fall