Quest:Ailing Hound

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Quest: Ailing Hound

Description: Longo Daegmund's dog Gar appears to have come down ill, and Longo is worried about him.

Category: Bree-land

Quest Level: 9

Hdg bestower.gif

'Hoy there, do you know anything about dogs? Gar here has been feeling poorly since yesterday, and he won't eat a bite. I fetched him some fresh water from the well, and he just turns away!

'Maybe you could help me? Eldo Swatmidge knows a fair bit about animals, and he might have an idea about what's wrong with Gar. He lives quite a bit east of town, almost on the edge of the Midgewater Marshes, and I don't think Gar would be up for the walk. Just take the road east out of town to the Widow Froghorn's farm, then north from there and down the hill to the east.

'Eldo is a bit of a queer sort, but he loves dogs, so he can't be that bad, right? I'd appreciate anything he could do to help Gar!'

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Selectable Items

Unknown icon.png Daegmund's Gloves

Unknown icon.png Daegmund's Gloves