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NPC: Boromir

'Deeds of strength and valour will be needed in the days to come.'

Class: unknown

Boromir, Captain-General of Gondor, is the son of Denethor, the Steward of Gondor. A voice came to him in a dream, speaking of the return of Isildur's Bane, and he took upon himself a great journey from Minas Tirith, far to the south, to Imladris, the hidden valley of Rivendell, home to Elrond Half-elven, one of the chief of the Wise. None could deny his bravery, for his trek was a perilous one, riding on the wings of the storm of Mordor.

In Rivendell, Boromir learned that Isildur's Bane was actually the One Ring of Sauron, which Isildur had cut from the finger of the Dark Lord and which was presumed lost. His pride, his concern for his people, and the dark influence of the Ring itself sparked within him envy and a desire to claim the Ring. He was chosen, alongside Aragorn the Ranger, to represent Men among the Fellowship of the Ring. To what end the Ring will lead Boromir remains to be seen.

Fans of The Lord of the Rings will know already what becomes of Boromir of Gondor, but they will still want to seek out Boromir at Rivendell as he and the rest of the Company prepare for the long journey to Mordor. Players of The Lord of the Rings OnlineTM: Shadows of AngmarTM will find that Boromir may have wisdom to pass on to them, and tests of