Deed:Of Leaf and Twig
Deed: Of Leaf and Twig Category: Loremaster Description: This is a strange book indeed. The covers are crafted from strips of some fibrous bark supple enough to be woven together, while the pages themselves appear to be birch bark pounded carefully flat and gently inscribed with runic letters in dense rows, page after page. What magic can have allowed such a fragile-looking tome to survive time and age, you cannot guess. Nor have you ever seen a book of such length, for its author goes into each subject and sentence with such painstaking detail that you cannot imagine how long it must have taken to record it all in this fashion. The subject appears to be anything with roots and leaves. There is such an enormous breadth of knowledge concerning root, leaf, bark, and twig that you could likely study it for years without understanding it all. Deed Level: 46 Min Level: 39
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