Quest:Hewing the Wood

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Quest: Hewing the Wood

Description: Longbough believes that some evil power may be twisting the wood to dark ends, perhaps the Wood-trolls that have begun to appear in Evendim. Roused to anger, the Ent is ready to take action.

Category: Evendim

Quest Level: 39

Hdg bestower.gif

'My friends call me Longbough and suggest that I may trust one such as yourself. Hoom! I have not yet made up my mind on the matter, but I am considered rather impatient amongst my kind, and the trees hereabout whisper to me of deeds that may need doing.

'Something seems to be amiss on the edge of the forest, well to the south of here. A party of Wood-trolls -- led by one called 'Heart-rot' -- have dwelled there for some time, but now their power seems to be growing and threatens to twist the forest around them to evil and hatred. If you do indeed wish to aid me, seek out these trolls and winnow their numbers. If you can slay enough of them, then Heart-rot should be driven to confront you, and you may destroy him, thus removing the source of this trouble.

'Hom! Ta-room! You are rather small though, are you not? I think perhaps it would be best if you brought allies to aid you in this task.'