Quest:Hallowed Ground

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Quest: Hallowed Ground

Description: Thinglaer, an Elf lingering at Celondim, seeks to restore a few of the old Elven places before he departs for the Grey Havens.

Category: Ered Luin

Quest Level: 6

Hdg bestower.gif

'This is a beautiful land, is it not? I wandered it often in my youth -- but places that were once fair have long since fallen into decay. Some of the older ruins have even become habitations for foul creatures that gnaw at the edges of our lands.

'My brothers and I have set to ourselves the task of cleansing a few of these places before we leave. To this end, I have in my possession a token given to me by Elrond Halfelven long ago. It is imbued with a light that creatures of evil find painful to bear.

'The ruins of Tham Gelair west of Celondim have become infested with foul creatures. If you could slay any you find within, and then place this token there, its light should keep them from slinking back in the night.'