Quest:Ballard Wilmer and the White Warg
Quest: Ballard Wilmer and the White Warg Description: Ballard Wilmer had an encounter with white Wargs in the hills of Tyrn Fornech and is now deathly afraid of the creatures. Category: Evendim Quest Level: 36
'Have you encountered the fearsome white Wargs of Tyrn Fornech yet, (your name)? The creatures are vicious, bloodthirsty beasts, and they strike without warning! A few nights ago, I was taking in the air around the northern wall of Ost Forod, and I thought I saw something gleaming in the moonlight. I wandered towards it, foolishly, so foolishly, but I was curious as to what it might be. Before too long, I had strayed beneath the eaves of the forest and had become quite turned around.
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