Quest:A Taste for Pork

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Quest: A Taste for Pork

Description: Linda Bolger of Budgeford is worried about a pack of wolves that have invaded the Shire and fears her pig farm will soon be attacked.

Category: Shire

Quest Level: 9

Hdg bestower.gif

'Things are not good in Budgeford, $PLAYER$. A pack of wolves has made its way into the Shire, and there's talk that there might be more on the way. I'm worried that my farm will soon be attacked, but more than that -- all Shire-folk are threatened by the presence of these wolves.

'And I saw...well, it's probably not important. Nevermind.

'Anyway, I came into town looking for help, but you should go talk with my husband, Milo, back at our farm. Just head up the hill and cut east across the fields until you see our farm. Milo will probably be out behind the house, keeping an eye on the nearby ruins where the wolves have holed up.'

Hdg rewards.gif

Fixed Items

Unknown icon.png Pork Chops

Selectable Items

Unknown icon.png Pork Sausage

Unknown icon.png Bolger's Hooded Cloak