Quest:Trophies of War

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Quest: Trophies of War

Description: Raith is at odds with the Aughaire chieftain, Crannog. Crannog has tried to avoid hostilities with the other Angmar-dominated clans, but Raith believes that the Men of Aughaire should fight their enemies.

Category: Angmar

Quest Level: 43

Hdg bestower.gif

'Listen, Southron, to my sad tale. We of Aughaire are at odds with all the clans of the hills, who have abandoned their ancient freedoms and now serve their Angmarim masters at Carn Dûm.

'They have been raiding our folk, taking our goods, murdering where they can, and breaking the clan-law with abandon. Yet our chief, Crannog, still will not move openly against them. I say that it is time to fight, but no one heeds me. Wise old Arzhur just strokes his beard, and that other Southron, Corunir, shakes his head.

'Mayhap you can help us where our own folk have lost heart. The Hillmen you will see outside Aughaire to the north and north-east are almost all our enemies. They carry various tokens that signify their status as men of blood, as warriors, and as servants of the Iron Crown. If you can take these trophies to show to our people, I hope they will realize that it is better to fight than to yield.'