Quest:The Other Chest

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Quest: The Other Chest

Description: Larus Sharpshard discovered that there was a second strongbox, which remains missing.

Category: Misty Mountains

Quest Level: 43

Hdg bestower.gif

'How could I have missed this? There was a second page to Heikki's records! It describes a second strongbox, (your name)! Heikki is not the kind of dwarf you want to cross, because he'll remember it -- he'll write it down in one of his books and never let you forget how you let him down! If I don't get that second strongbox, it wouldn't surprise me if someone found his records four hundred years from now and thought badly of Larus Sharpshard, son of Tralli!

'So we've got to find it, (your name). Let me just look at this paper and tell you where it should be. Ah, the dwarf-keep among the High Crags, to the east and south. It's the keep that guards Gabilazan, and it's full of those good-for-nothing Dourhands.

'You might want to take the farthest east pass and then come at the keep from the south. Look for a building on a hill to your right as you approach the keep. The strongbox should be just inside, so don't delay!'