Quest:The Free Peoples of Trestlebridge

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Quest: The Free Peoples of Trestlebridge

Description: After you and Halbarad came to the aid of her town, Nellie Boskins swore to lend what strength the people of Trestlebridge have to his endeavour. They will come to the Council of Esteldín.

Category: Epic - Book III: The Council of the North

Scope: Epic

Quest Level: 29

Hdg bestower.gif

'The debt I owe you and the Rangers cannot be repaid easily, but I hope to make a start of it by answering Halbarad's call to the Council. Whatever strength the Men of Trestlebridge can lend to Halbarad's endeavour shall be his to command.

'Please, go tell Halbarad that I will come to this Esteldín as soon as I settle matters here. I am still responsible first to my people, but I see now that the Free Peoples of the North Downs must stand together, if we are to remain free.

'Thank you, my friend.'