Quest:Master of Barad Gúlaran

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Quest: Master of Barad Gúlaran

Description: Long ago, a servant pledged himself to the Witch-king's cause. His service lasts to this day and his dark embrace on Barad Gúlaran brings terror into the hearts of those fighting to unseat Shadow in the north.

Uirod, an elf, bade you enter the palace of Barad Gúlaran to face and defeat Castellan Wisdán to unseat his rule and control over the dark halls known as one of the Witch-king's homes.

Category: Angmar

Quest Level: 50

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'We face many fell foes in this dark place. Though the strength of the Enemy is weakened, so to is it strengthened by the discovery of this great ruse. Now, we learn that the fark tower standing amidst the forces within the forsaken valley to our south, teems with enemies long kindling flames from a place I shall not speak on.

'It falls to you, (your name), to gather your kinsmen and make an assault on Barad Gúlaran to stand against the horrors awakened within that dark citadel. One horror, Wisdán, once a man in service to Angmar sacrificed his life to watch over Barad Gúlaran.

'Lore-masters dispatched from Esteldín brought us all we know of his and Barad Gúlaran. Little is known beyond his service to the Witch-king and his close ties with the shadow. It is possible that he is a sorcerer like few others within Barad Gúlaran.

'He must be slain, (your name), lest his darkness be used to spread evil toward the south to become the bane of all. Gather kinsmen together and enter Barad Gúlaran. Return to me when you are done and I will see that the council's gifts are bestowed upon you.'

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Selectable Items

Unknown icon.png Uirod's Mantle

Unknown icon.png Wisdán's Fall

Unknown icon.png Foe of the Castellan