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Quest: Flourdumpling's Stand
Description: Mundo Sackville-Baggins has demanded that Mayor Whitfoot pay compensation to his family for Mundo's recent bad experiences, and the mayor is at a loss as to what to do.
Category: Epic - Prologue
'I've thought about Mundo's demand that I pay compensation for his ill treatment in Bree-land, (your name), and I'm not going to do it! We simply can't afford to pay money to satisfy a single hobbit for an experience that was his own fault to begin with.
'The Sackville-Bagginses have never liked me, either. I think it was one of them that started calling me "Flourdumpling" after the roof of Town Hole gave way and buried me in chalk, you know. I don't mind when the Shirriffs call me that, but from the Sackville-Bagginses it is just too much.
'The time has come to take a stand! I will not be bullied by the Sackville-Bagginses any longer -- they can't push me around, and I don't mind telling them that! Well, actually I'm a little busy. Run along to Bag End, north of Hobbiton, and tell Lobelia that for me, will you?'