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Quest: Breathing-space

Description: The mining-outpost of Gabilshathûr is in grave danger. An army of Orcs is not far away, and their scouts and stragglers must not be allowed to locate the dwarves.

Category: Angmar

Quest Level: 46

Hdg bestower.gif

'Truly, we have many problems. Our most pressing concern is, of course, the Orc-army camped on our doorstep. If they should discover this place, we would be in dire straits. This is what concerns poor Avar the most, I think, this worry -- for there is little we can do against an army.

'Though a few of our skilled people may be able to slip by the enemy forces, taking terrible risks, we can hardly move all of our people past the armies of the Enemy -- so in effect we are trapped here.

'I'm sure that our guard-captain, Gisur, knows much more of these things than do I. He will be able to tell you if there is anything you can do to help us here.'