Quest:A Promise Fulfilled

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Quest: A Promise Fulfilled

Description: At the request of the Ranger Gondranc, you went to the camp of the Earth-kin north-east of Esteldín to retrieve a book of leatherworking lore Asikko, the Earth-kin's chieftain, had promised him. With this lore, he has crafted armour for the people of Trestlebridge.

Category: North Downs

Quest Level: 34

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'This task, at least, is finished. I have much work to do to help my kindred prepare for the coming war, but my oath to Trestlebridge shall at lest be fulfilled.

'I need you, if you are willing, to deliver this armour to Jarred Mason in Trestlebridge. He is a man of some crafting skill himself. I believe he is acting as the armourer for his people.

'I am sure you have crossed through Trestlebridge and know well their plight, but should you have lost your direction, it lies far to the west and south of Esteldín, along the Greenway leading to Bree-land.'

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Selectable Items

Unknown icon.png Drake Wing Vest

Unknown icon.png Drake Wing Jacket

Unknown icon.png Drake Wing Mail