Quest:A Poor Guard

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Quest: A Poor Guard

Description: Talbot Hinton told you that he was drummed out of the Trestlebridge town guard for falling asleep on duty. He claims though that the Orcs did something to put him to sleep and has asked you to help him prove this.

Category: North Downs

Quest Level: 23

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'At last, someone who will talk to me! Everyone treats me like a criminal. But I'm not guilty of falling asleep on duty! It's orcs fault!

'I remember being on duty, then next thing I know Captain Trotter is shaking me awake, yelling that I had failed to sound the alarm and that Trestlebridge had been attacked!

'Thing is, I found at my feet the shards of a dried gourd. They were covered in a vile liquid, but no one believes me when I say it was some sort of Orc devilry! I need more proof, and I think it can be found at the Orc camps north of the bridge.

'Here, take these old water skins. At the camps you might find some pots or cauldrons with some vile liquids in them. Collect the liquid in the skins and bring it back here.'