Quest:A Lesson from Bilbo Baggins

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Quest: A Lesson from Bilbo Baggins

Description: Sterling Proudfoot thinks that you might be able to learn something from Bilbo Baggins, whose adventure as a burglar has stirred the imaginations of hobbit-children for years.

Category: Burglar

Quest Level: 50

Required Classes: Burglar

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'I'd just like to say that I'm very impressed with what you've managed to do, (your name). You are truly a burglar of excellence!

'Always more to learn, though, isn't there? Yes, there is, at least if you're paying attention! Now, you may have heard the tale of Bilbo Baggins...he was quite the burglar in his day, if you believe the stories. Now, he's gone away and hasn't been heard from in a long time, but I imagine he's out there somewhere.

'If you truly want to excel at burgling, you're going to want to track down old Bilbo and see what he might teach you.'

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