Quest:A Guardian's Duty

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Quest: A Guardian's Duty

Description: A guardian must become hardened to the dangers of the world, for he stands between those evils and all good folk.

Category: Guardian

Quest Level: 30

Required Classes: Guardian

Hdg bestower.gif

'War is brewing in many lands and against many folk, (your name), but few are as hard-pressed as those in the town of Trestlebridge. One of its guardians, a Man named Severin Wheeler, has sent word to all who will listen: Trestlebridge must be defended.

'The Orcs came across the North Downs and cruelly press against the city. You must help stand against them, (your name), or you are no true guardian. Go to Trestlebridge and lend your aid to Severin Wheeler!

'If the town falls, the way into Bree-land will be open to the Orcs, and all hope will be gone. This is your duty, (your name) -- you cannot deny it.'

Hdg rewards.gif

Fixed Items

Unknown icon.png Greater Essence of Athelas

Selectable Items

Unknown icon.png Rodamath

Unknown icon.png The Worm's Scale


Parried Blows