Token of Valour
Description: A reward of the Free Peoples' army. Return these to the Quartermaster at Glâin Vraig to receive a reward.
Worth: 3 1
Stack Size: 25
Minimum Level: 1
Quest Reward For
Sundering the Snowreap Wolves at Our Walls Fangs for Arrows Patching the Holes Raid: Culling the Brood Shafts for Arrows End of the Wintersebb Heft and Haft Emergency Rations Liquid Courage Thieving Orcs Crawlers of the Crags Flags of The Free Peoples Reaping the Snow and Cold Mouth of Shadow Guards of Lugazag Raid: Tyrant Barashish Raid: Tyrant Tharbil Raid: Tyrant Durgrat Raid: Tyrant Trintrû Raid: Tyrant Bûrzgoth Raid: Tyrant Gundzor Angmar's Chieftains Angmar's Scouts Angmar's Soldiers Angmar's Taskmaster's Angmar's Tyrants Hoarhallow's Dwindling Food In a Spot of Trouble Defence of Hoarhallow Our Friends in Hoarhallow Defence of Lugazag Defence of the Lumber Camp Defence of Tol Ascarnen Defence of the Isendeep Defence of Tirith Rhaw Cleansing the Hoarwell Fiendish Foes Leaders of the Goblins Ruins of Ost Ringdyr Gifts from Hoarhallow Assistance from the Golden Bears Golloval of the Golden Eagles A Scholar's Fears A Scholar's Woe A Plea from Lainedhel A Hike Like No Other Aid from the Rangers Assault on Tol Ascarnen Beacon-fire of Tol Ascarnen