Chicken Egg
Minimum Level: 1
Raw eggs to be used in cooking.
Stacks to 50
Worth 6
Used to Craft
Quest Reward For
The Great Pie Crust RobberyNed in a Pickle
Sold By
DofriGamall FaengamilFilegnaneth Petunia GreenhandJaspera Noakes Esilia DiggerlyWalkelin Bolger Wanno ProudfootWilibald Goodchild Myrtle BrandybuckBess Harpham AesbrennilRupert Inskip Gil GreenbushJewel Underhill TraderTrader TraderOlmóth William AsquithStan Chesham Himloc GrouseLily Sandheaver Graham LarkspurLeigh Putnam CalengilKetill OrlygrLaergil Hana the YoungBrethilwen HithlimRegin Esilia TookFarmer Maggot Fosco BoffinGaffer Gamgee Gammer BoffinGerd Whitfoot Rollo BoffinUlfar BarachenFimgris RaskulfGalar Deep-pouches LiniÁfast AglallenMarigold Grubb Daisy BoffinSerlo Brockhouse Rosebud BolgerLeofric Brandybuck Walter MabbotTodd Brushwood FaraldRudbessain TearlachRaenfer HattBonny Thatcher GilfinielNaeremil RudbessainRosebud Bolger FaraldColveril Talebot TookJack Woodhouse GlosmirFráll