Race:Race of Man

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Unknown icon.png

Race: Race of Man

Not as long-lived as Elves, sturdy as Dwarves, or resilient as Hobbits, Men are renowned for their courage and resourcefulness.

Hdg passive skills.gif

Lbl icon name.gif Lbl description.gif
Unknown icon.png Diminishing of Mankind Decreased Will - Men have weaker wills than the other races.
Unknown icon.png Easily Inspired Increased Morale Restoration- Men can be roused to action faster than the other races. (heals heal for more on men)
Unknown icon.png Gift of Men Improved Fate - Men have the greatest destiny of all the Free Peoples.
Unknown icon.png Strong Men Improved Strength - The feats of strength that men such as Boromir could accomplish are worthy of song.

Hdg traits.gif

Lbl icon name.gif Lbl description.gif
Unknown icon.png Balance of Man Your will is greater then most of your fellows among men.
Unknown icon.png Duty-bound Adds a bonus to your fellowships morale.
Unknown icon.png Man of the Fourth Age Your will is greater then most of your fellows among men.
Unknown icon.png Man Sword-damage Bonus Man Sword Damage Bonus
Unknown icon.png Return to Bree This enables you to go home to Bree.
Unknown icon.png Strength of Morale In combat, the Race of Man is known for it's unquenchable spirit.
Unknown icon.png Tactics and Might Bonus Tactics and Might Fellowship Bonus
Unknown icon.png Upper-cut You gain a short-distance melee attack.

Hdg deeds.gif

Lbl level.gif Lbl name.gif Lbl description.gif
13 Enmity of the Dead Since the beginning of time, fell spirits, not the least of which were the Balrogs of Morgoth, roamed the shadow-realm in...
13 Enmity of the Wargs Wargs are often deemed a scourge of Men because their preferred prey are the herds and livestock upon which many villages...
19 Enmity of the Dead II It is said that when the Witch-king came to Angmar, he exerted dominion over many fell spirits of Morgoth and sent them from...
25 Enmity of the Dead III Morgoth, Sauron, the Witch-king of Angmar, the terrible Gaunt-lords...all possess the sorcerous power to infuse the remains...
29 Enmity of the Hillmen For many years there have been tribes of Men who have shunned the rule of Kings and the life of great cities and towns. While...
29 Enmity of the Wargs II Wargs are sometimes used by goblins as mounts to extend the range of their attacks against villages and settlements, for...
35 Enmity of the Hillmen II It seems that old superstitions and fear of the Enemy's dark power are what drive these Hillmen to flock to the banners of...
35 Enmity of the Wargs III It is unclear what the true relationship is between goblins and Wargs. Some say that they are allied against common enemies,...