Quest:Sever the White Hand

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Quest: Sever the White Hand

Description: In the shadow of Amon Sûl, at the edge of Nain Enidh, lay an Arnorian ruin. Those ruins afforded the Eglain of Ost Guruth a wealth of material to trade with collectors in Bree-land...until the arrival of half-breeds from the South.

Category: Lone-lands

Quest Level: 21

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'Your efforts on behalf of the Eglain are noble, my friend, but I deem our peril is greater than first we thought. I understand these half-breeds bear a standard with the mark of a white hand? Ordinary brigands and ruffians do not bear such charges. The mark of the White Hand tells me they serve a greater master.

'Radagast the Brown, the Wizard who has come to the Ruin-hold, reports that he saw Orcs bearing such a charge while journeying through Rohan on his way to Isengard months ago. These Orcs did battle with the Men of Rohan. Perhaps this mark signifies some new devilry of Mordor?

'Whatever their purpose, such creatures cannot be allowed to take a foothold in the North. They do not belong here. If you can enter Naerost and slay Hontimûrz and his guards, perhaps the rest will flee.'

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Fixed Items

Unknown icon.png Sword of the Forsaken Lands

Selectable Items

Unknown icon.png Quicksilver's Shoulder Pads

Unknown icon.png Quicksilver's Gloves