Quest:Posco's Uncle

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Quest: Posco's Uncle

Description: Posco Burrows is concerned that his uncle, Filbert Burrows, has gone deep into the Chetwood to 'have a word' with the Blackwold brigands and wants to make sure he has not gotten himself into trouble.

Category: Bree-land

Quest Level: 8

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'My Uncle Filbert and I were having tea and discussing the state of things in Bree-land -- about how the folk in Archet showed the Blackwold brigands a thing or two -- when Uncle Filbert stood up and said, "Someone ought do something about these villains. I'm going to give them a piece of my mind." And then he left, without even finishing his tea!

'Up the road in the woods east of this camp, past the brigands' watchfires, there's some ruins where the Blackwolds are holed up. Uncle Filbert has probably gone there to have a word with them. Though I don't think he will make the full journey, he's not as young as he once was.

'If he has, he's likely got himself into trouble. I dare go no further to search for him, but could you go look for him and make sure he's all right?'

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Fixed Items

Unknown icon.png Lesser Essence of Athelas

Selectable Items

Unknown icon.png Took Gauntlets

Unknown icon.png Walking Staff