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Quest: Lore-master in Brown
Description: When Candaith was returning from his journey in the lands to the east, he saw above Weathertop flashes of white light, akin to lightning, though there was no storm.
'It is not unusual for Rangers to make camp atop Amon Sûl, but if one of my brethren made these runes, their meaning is lost on me. I do not think a Ranger left these signs.
'My travels eastward have oft brought me to the Eglain, a tribe of Men who live in solitude where few others would dare. A traveller has come to them, a lore-master robed in brown. I wager that if any will know what meaning these runes may hold, he will.
'The Eglain dwell in the ruins of Ost Guruth, far to the east, and north of the road. If you come to the marshes of Haragmar, you will have travelled too far.
'There is a small chance you will not find this lore-master within Ost Guruth. In that event, search for him at his rooms in the camp of the Eglain in Agamaur, at Barad Dhorn, northeast of Ost Guruth.'