Quest:Intro: Goblins in the Crags

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Quest: Intro: Goblins in the Crags

Description: The Elves told Dwalin that Elrohir, son of Elrond, entered the Mirkstone Tunnels near Thorin's Hall to discover more about the plans of the Dourhands.

Category: Introduction

Scope: Epic

Quest Level: 4

Hdg bestower.gif

'I consulted with the Elves while you were away and learned that Elrohir, one of the sons of Elrond, is exploring the Mirkstone Tunnels to the north-west of here.

'He intends to learn more about the Dourhand's plans, and I want you to be there when he does! The entrance to the Mirkstone Tunnels can be found at the top of the Axe-head Path, north-west of here.

'The Dourhands have much to answer for!'

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Selectable Items

Unknown icon.png Cloth Hood

Unknown icon.png Dwarven Helmet

Unknown icon.png Feathered Hat

Unknown icon.png Elven Helmet