Quest:Chapter 3: Breeders of the Dead

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Quest: Chapter 3: Breeders of the Dead

Description: Radagast is concerned with the cause of the corruption in the swamps. He feel that the wights are a symptom of a greater evil.

Category: Epic - Book II: The Red Maid

Scope: Epic

Quest Level: 28

Hdg bestower.gif

'The sheer number of wights in Haragmar indicates the presence of gaunt-men, vile necromancers who serve the Dark Lord. In ages past, they dwelt in the Witch-realm of Angmar, but the White Council believed them all destroyed. Clearly, they were wrong.

'Only the strongest of the gaunt-men, the Gaunt-lords, have the power to summon the spirits of the Shadow Realm. The war-singers carry the sigil of their Gaunt-lord. Search the ruins in the far east of Haragmar, defeat these creatures, and bring me their sigils.

'We must learn which Gaunt-lord these creatures serve.'

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Fixed Items

Unknown icon.png Red Stone

Selectable Items

Unknown icon.png Boots of the Ruin-hold

Unknown icon.png Greataxe of the Brown Wizard