Quest:Book VII, Chapter 1: Hidden in Shadow

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Quest: Book VII, Chapter 1: Hidden in Shadow

Description: After discovering the secret of the watching-stones of Rammas Deluon, Corunir sent you into the eastern reaches of Angmar, seeking the Rangers and Hillmen of Aughaire who had marched forth to throw down the rising power of Angmar. You found the Ranger Braigiar at the dwarf-outpost of Gabilshathûr in Malenhad.

Category: Epic - Book VII: The Hidden Hope

Scope: Epic

Quest Level: 49

Hdg bestower.gif

'It is a pity that Corunir could not steel his heart against the Watchers of Rammas Deluon. The power of the watching-stones is terrible. Many of the Hillmen tried to flee back through Rammas Deluon and perished.

'We marched on, but ere we ever came unto Carn Dûm, we were beset by Orcs and creatures more terrible. Golodir was lost and our numbers were scattered. The scarce remnant that remains has barely managed to avoid the snares of the Enemy for these last few years, but I fear Angmar has grown too strong, and we will not be able to hide forever.

'I have learned that one party of my kindred is encamped at a place called Gath Forthnír, far to the north in the eastern reaches of Himbar. Go to them, if you would, and lend them what aid you may.'