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Latest revision as of 19:19, 11 February 2025

Quest: Warning: Evil Giants

Description: Vighar Roadwalker, a dwarf at Glóin's camp, wants to post signs warning travellers away from dangerous locations in the mountains.

Category: Misty Mountains

Quest Level: 44

Hdg bestower.gif

'You have done admirably with the task of posting those signs for me, (your name), and I am sure you will exceed my expectations with this latest one!

'This sign warns travellers to beware of giants. I realize this might seem a little obvious, but the trouble with giants is that they can usually see you from a good deal further away than you can see them. One of the Elves in Rivendell told me a story about a giant that could fell an aurochs with a single stone from a distance of two miles! I'm not worried for myself, of course, but if any traders begin passing through the mountains, we'll want them to have at least some warning before entering giant country. Two miles, at least!

'Two passes run south through the mountains. You've already seen the pass of Gabilazan, but the pass of Rakhâs-bizar is further to the east. Travel south through Rakhâs-bizar and post this sign. You should find a suitable post before leaving the pass, and beware! I won't be responsible if you run afoul of the giants south of the pass!

'In fact, these giants are so dangerous, I would recommend that you go with friends to attempt this task.'

Hdg rewards.gif

Selectable Items

Unknown icon.png Mithrilechor

Unknown icon.png The Climber's Legs

Unknown icon.png Roadwalker's Staff