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Latest revision as of 19:19, 11 February 2025

Quest: Preparing for the Dark

Description: Bilbo Baggins has completed his book and would like to make certain that his memory of the important locations and events is correct.

Category: Misty Mountains

Quest Level: 48

Hdg bestower.gif

'I would hate to ask this of you, (your name), but there is another place I would like you to go. The way is quite dangerous, and I simply am not sure whether I should indeed ask it of you, but it is a very important is really where this whole mess began.

'Deep within Goblin-town, there is a cave. I've mentioned it before, I'm sure. A wretched creature called Gollum once lived there. Gandalf says he is related to hobbits, but I just cannot imagine it.

'At any rate, I would like you to find that cave and get me proper directions, as I stumbled into it quite by accident during my adventure with Thorin and Company. But perhaps you should speak with Gandalf the Grey and my nephew Frodo...they might have some reservations about anyone going there.'