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Latest revision as of 19:18, 11 February 2025

Quest: A Great Goblin

Description: Glóin recalled his experience with Thorin and Company when they faced the Great Goblin on their journey with Bilbo Baggins.

Category: Misty Mountains

Quest Level: 50

Hdg bestower.gif

'(your name), I do not speak often of our journeys with my Lord Thorin, but I feel I must now. Long ago, we travelled through these mountains with Burglar Baggins and became captives of the goblins of Goblin-town. Taken down into the dark for what seemed forever, we eventually came to the centre of that place and met the Great Goblin.

'We were without hope in that place, for it was so dark that even our dwarf-sight was diminished and all hope seemed lost. The Great Goblin discovered weapons upon our persons that had been used to fight his kind in ages past and became furious, and hope drew ever farther from our hearts. Thorin, my lord and our leader, remained defiant, and though he attempted to placate the goblin, nothing would calm his rage. At the moment when all seemed most bleak, Gandalf the Grey appeared and slew the Great Goblin, freeing us from Goblin-town and the clutches of the goblins there.

'This news of a new Great Goblin puts a cloud of dread over my heart. If it is true, then we have no choice but to destroy him before the goblins are organized enough to march to the east against Dáin Ironfoot and the dwarfs of the Lonely Mountain, or to the west against the Men of Eriador. I ask you to make your way into the throne room with your allies and find this Great Goblin and end him before his shadow grows so large that it looms over all within it. Will you do this?'

Hdg rewards.gif

Selectable Items

Unknown icon.png Mirúr

Unknown icon.png Brogronn

Unknown icon.png Amarthdram

Unknown icon.png Glóin's Shoulder Pads

Unknown icon.png Glóin's Gauntlets

Unknown icon.png Ashûrz's Doom