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Latest revision as of 19:19, 11 February 2025

Quest: The Maker's Hall

Description: Bogi Deepdelver has asked you to speak with his friend Egil Oldbeard in Thorin's Hall about contributing to the state of crafting in the Blue Mountains.

Category: Crafting

Quest Level: 6

Hdg bestower.gif

'Our struggles against the Dourhands and the goblins continue with great vigour, (your name), but we must also do what we can to better the craftsmanship of the goods created within the Blue Mountains!

'My friend Egil Oldbeard has greeted fledgling craftsmen for the past hundred and thirty keeps him young, he says! You should speak with him in the Maker's Hall if you are interested in turning your eye towards the fashioning of goods or equipment.

'Go north up the steps into Thorin's Hall proper. Once inside, walk north past the great statue and pass into the next hall. Turn to the east when you are halfway across the floor and you will descend some more steps into the Maker's Hall. Old Egil will be pleased to speak with you!'